What an amazing sight is the Harvest Moon this month and clear skies to see it with. So slow are the trees changing colour that it is possible to savour each day anew. The early morning chilly mists lift quickly to reveal a sparkling warm crisp day........poetry moments.
Whilst doing my feeding duties at the bottom of the garden this morning a few Canada Geese called and echoed through the 'Haar' (low lying sea mist ) a truly ethereal moment as they passed overhead on the way to their wintering grounds. The big migration has started.
Approximately 300,000 Pink Footed Geese are heading our way from Greenland and Iceland
Turnips and
potatoes are being harvested as is evident by the huge truck loads going through Heswall. This will delight the influx of geese as they descend on
the fields after their long journeys.
The delight of having the Robins, Dunnocks, Blackbirds, Blue Tits, Great Tits, Coal Tits, Wood Pigeon and scuffling squirrels back in the garden. It is still warm enough for lunch outside so to have their company back after the summer is joyous.
There are still some butterflies about such as the Comma, Red Admiral, occasional White and if very lucky Common Blue. Large Queen Bumblebees are also very evident on flower beds as they stock up on food for their winter hibernation. Most of the smaller worker bees are now dying off as are the wasps.
Whilst the human world continues in chaos and turmoil it is a great comfort to see, hear and feel the natural world carrying on in its own predictable pattern of ebb and flow.