The Equinox is the period when the sun passes from the northern hemisphere over the equator to the southern hemisphere.
Nature is bursting with an abundance of seeds and fruits on which the birds and animals gorge to prepare themselves for migration or hibernation. The equinox is a passover time for birds worldwide as they decide who goes and who stays.
The trees are at last full of the sounds of chattering birds, Blue Tits, Goldfinches and Long-tailed Tits as they search for tiny insects amongst the foliage. It is so lovely to hear cheerful song in the garden again.
There is much to observe from the top of the bus as the fields are harvested. A large barn owl was quartering a field in broad daylight looking for mice and large birds such as Wood Pigeons, Pheasant and Collered Doves are taking advantage of the copious amounts of fallen seed.
This time of the year can be the worst time for getting bitten and stung by insects. Wasps are at their peak, bees are on the move and the damp warm weather favours swarms of insects. It can quite interesting speculating what has bitten you from the size and effect of the wound. Some small ones can be more painful than larger ones.
Dragonflies and Darters are very evident dancing over ponds mating and laying eggs for next summer.
The living wall on the side of Marks and Spencers in Heswall looks wonderful at the moment. sadly most people will walk past without noticing all the colour and variety of plants that do not seem to mind growing horizontly.