Encounters, observations, moments captured around the Wirral Peninsula.
Also incorporating Rarehare Nature Arts.
May 16, 2016
Blossom and Bluetits
You are blessed if you have birthday in May, because nature gifts you its best and all. Apple blossom, Cherry, Pear, Crab Apple, Hawthorn, Horse Chestnut, blossom spread as far as the eye can see. Hard on tree pollen hayfever sufferers but overwhelming in scent and beauty for the rest of us.
Crab Apple
The Swifts arrived safetly much to my relief on 5th May a whole week earlier than last year, so maybe that is a positive prediction. House Martins and Swallows were close behind. Goldfinches appear to be more prolific than Sparrows at the moment going by the ebullient song from the rooftops in urban areas usually reserved for Starlings.
The pair of Blue tits in the nest box look exhausted feeding their numerous (up to 8-10) fledglings. Nothing phases them, me, the washing, rain, cats, steadily every couple of minutes from dawn to dusk they are in and out of the box in a flash. Amazingly the lifespan of this tiny bird can be up to 15yrs.
Wildflowers to look out for : absolutely everything over the next few weeks, but inparticular, Cuckoo flower, Red and White Campion and Common Vetch. My all time favourite Cow Parsley or Queen Anne's Lace is in profusion on all the hedgerows and verges.